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Ms Dos Fat Vs Fat32

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Samsung usb options. When you've got a new hard disk drive, or are trying to reinstall Windows, your operating system may request that you format the drive. The 2 common modes you would need to choose from are NTFS and FAT32. To make an informed choice, there are some key factors to consider.

  1. Ms-dos Fat Vs Fat32 Format
  2. Ms Dos Vs Exfat

Definition – NTFS vs Fat32 32-bit File Allocation Table, FAT32, was developed far back in 1977 by Microsoft. In 1981, it eventually became adopted on the PC-DOS of IBM PC, and was extended to MS-DOS when that was released as a standalone product.

  1. There are mainly three types of FAT drives: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32. However, this is totally wrong. Support FAT32 drives, while most newer versions of DOS support FAT32 as well as FAT12 and FAT16 drives. Below are lists of the typical types and versions of DOS.
  2. However, FAT32 and exFAT work with all operating systems by default. FAT (File Allocation Table) is the oldest of these file systems, and is hence recognized by every operating system. For personal computers, the first one used was FAT12, followed by FAT16, and then the current FAT32. Then came exFAT, made with USB drives and external drives in.
  3. The standard formatting tools built into these operating systems are able to create FAT32 partitions; they might also be labelled as FAT or MS-DOS. Simply delete the existing exFAT partition and create and format a new FAT32 primary partition, before proceeding with the rest of the NOOBS instructions. On a Mac, this means using the command-line.

First, when formatting your disk or USB drive, you need to take portability into consideration. For instance, if you're a using a file system for the backup hard drive, it is recommended you go for NTFS. However, opt for FAT32 if you would like to make use of the USB drive on older computers, or non-PC systems such as TV sets, digital picture frames, projectors or printers, owing to the fact the format is universally supported.

All operating systems havesupport for FAT32, the most commonly used version of the FAT (short for FileAllocation Table) file system, since it's a simple file system, which has been inuse for a very long time. In comparison, NTFS — New Technology Files System infull — has more robust features and is more effective than FAT because itutilizes advanced data structures for improving reliability, disk spaceutilization as well as overall performance. While support for NTFS format has increased,it isn't as universal as FAT32.

Definition – NTFS vs Fat32

32-bitFile Allocation Table, FAT32, was developed farback in 1977 by Microsoft. In 1981, it eventually became adopted on the PC-DOSof IBM PC, and was extended to MS-DOS when that was released as a standaloneproduct. This file system is older than NTFS and had been the standard drive formatfor hard drives as well as floppy disks throughout the DOS years, in additionto Windows versions up to and including Win 8.

NTFS, on the otherhand, is the newer format introduced in 1993 by Microsoft as a part of thecorporate-oriented Win NT 3.1 and later Win 2000. But it did not become commonlyused on computers until Windows XP in 2001. Some versions of Windows,specifically Win 7 and 8, default to NTFS NewTechnology Files System drive format on newpersonal computers.

NTFS vs FAT32 Comparison Chart

Year Introduced 1977 (with Standalone Disk BASIC-80) 1993 (Windows NT 3.1)
General Performance Lacks built-in security & recoverability. File compression isn't possible Recoverability, encryption as well as compression are developed into NTFS in a manner that users will find transparent
Maximum Volume Size 2 TiB (having 512 byte sectors, the most common config.), 8 TiB (having 2 KiB sectors & 32 KiB clusters), 16 TiB (having 4 KiB sectors & 64 KiB clusters) 264 clusters with a single cluster (format) and 256 TB (256 bytes × 10244 bytes) with 64 KB (64 bytes × 1024 bytes) (implementation)
Maximum File Size Around 4GB. The limits of the file size are, technically, 2,147,483,647 bytes (2 GiB – 1) (without LFS) 4,294,967,295 bytes (4 GiB – 1)[1] (with LFS) 274,877,906,943 bytes (256 GiB – 1) (only with FAT32+[35]) 16 EiB – 1 KiB (format);, 16 TiB – 64 KiB (Win 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or earlier implementation), 256 TiB – 64 KiB (Win 8, Windows Server 2012 implementation)
Attributes Hidden, Read-only, System, Volume, Archive, Directory Hidden, Read-only, system, archive, offline, not content indexed, compressed, temporary,
Maximum Number of Files 268,173,300 for 32 KiB clusters 4,294,967,295 (2^32-1)
Dates Recorded Modified time/date, creation time/date (DOS 7 & higher only), access date (available only with ACCDATE enabled), [2] deletion time/date (with DELWATCH 2 only) Modification, creation, POSIX access, change
Date Range 1980/01/01 – 2099/12/31 1 Jan. 1601 – 28 May 60056 (File times, 64-bit numbers that are counting 100-nanosecond intervals (10 million each second) since 1601, which is more than 58,000 years)
Date Resolution 2 sec. for last modified time, 10 millisec. for creation time, 1 day for access date, 2 sec. for deletion time 100 nanosec.
File system permissions Partial, with DR-DOS only, REAL/32 & 4690 OS ACLs
Maximum Filename Length 255 UCS-2 characters when using LFN 255 UTF-16 code units
Transparent Encryption Not supported Per-file, DESX (Win 2000 and above), Triple DES (Win XP and above), AES (Win XP Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 and above)
Transparent Compression Not supported Per-file, LZ77 (Win NT 3.51 onward)
Size and Storage Max. volume size: 32GB for all OS & 2TB for select OS. Max. size of files is 4GB. 16 EiB – 1 KiB (format);, 16 TiB – 64 KiB (Win 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or earlier implementation), 256 TiB – 64 KiB (Win8, Windows Server 2012 implementation)
Developing Company Caldera, Microsoft, Compaq, IBM, Microsoft
Name in Full 32-bit File Allocation Table New Technology File System
Supported OS All versions of Windows, Linux, macOS, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 Windows NT series (Win NT 3.1 – 4.0, Win 2000, Win XP, Windows Server 2003, Win Vista, Windows Server 2008, Win 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Win 8, Windows Server 2012), Linux/GNU, Mac OS X

Importance of File Size

The maximum file size supportof the FAT32 format stands at 4GB and its maximum volume size 2TB. This impliesyou are restricted to FAT32 partitions of 2TB if you choose to make use of a4TB hard drive. It equally means you're restricted to 4GB files.

This poses an issue withuncompressed high-definition movie files, in which 30GB files are not common. NTFS,when looked at from a theoretical angle, is limited by design to 16 Exabytes(EB). Since 1EB is the equivalent of 1 billion GB, maxing out NTFS remains afar cry. In practice, 2TB to 4TB volumes represent the current limit. Volumesthat are larger than this will need a 64-bit operating system, coupled with compatiblehardware.

Which Is the Faster System?

Though speed of file transfer andmax. throughput is limited by the slowest link (which is normally the driveinterface to the computer such as SATA or a network interface such as 3G WWAN),hard drives formatted in NTFS have tested faster on benchmark tests incomparison with those formatted in FAT32. But other factors will also have aneffect, such as drive technology (SDD vs. HDD, Flash vs. non-Flash, and others)as well as file fragmentation (on spinning drives).

Final Verdict – NTFS vs Fat32

Though your operating systemtypically chooses a format for a hard drive for you ahead of time, you can makeyour choice of your preferred format while re-formatting a drive, especiallythe external type.

If you require the hard drive for a Windows-only environment, your best bet is NTFS. If you need to carry out file exchange, even if it is occasionally, with a non-Windows computer that boots a Mac or Linux OS, then FAT32 is your best choice, so long your file sizes are not more than 4GB. That explains NTFS vs Fat32

In a Windows-based environment, USB flash disks may be formatted using three different file systems: FAT32, exFAT and NTFS. The FAT32 file systemis a mature file system, which is an improved version of the original FAT file system used in the MS DOS operating system. Later, Microsoftintroduced the NTFS file system, which improved the performance and reliability of file operations. Finally, in 2006 Microsoft added the exFATfile system, which is especially optimized for flash devices and resource constrained hardware configurations.

  • FAT32 - a mature file system normally used on USB disks
  • exFAT - a newer file system optimized for flash devices
  • NTFS - an advanced, journaling file system

Normally, USB flash disks are sold formatted using the FAT32 file system. But, is it an optimal file system to be used with modern USB3 flash disks?Which of the available file systems is more optimized for small files and which one is more optimized for large files? Which of the available filesystems is more optimized for read operations and which one is more optimized for write operations? In order to answer these questions, we havetested three different USB3 flash disks using a diversified set of benchmarks.

  • USB3 Disk 1 - Silicon Power Blaze B20 16GB
  • USB3 Disk 2 - Transcend JetFlash 780 16GB
  • USB3 Disk 3 - SanDisk Extreme 16GB

An identical set of tests has been performed on each USB3 flash disk three times and before each test USB3 disks were reformatted using the FAT32,exFAT and NTFS file systems respectively. All tests were performed using DiskBoss v4.7.28, which is capableof analyzing disk space usage, classifying files, searching duplicate files, synchronizing files, copying files and deleting files using a numberof parallel threads. Each USB3 disk for each file system has been tested using an identical set of benchmarks including:

  • Test 1 - Small Files Write To USB Disk Test (18,000 Files, 1 GB of Data)
  • Test 2 - Small Files Read From USB Test (18,000 Files, 1 GB of Data)
  • Test 3 - Medium Files Write To USB Disk Test (100 Files, 1GB of Data)
  • Test 4 - Medium Files Read From USB Disk Test (100 Files, 1 GB of Data)
  • Test 5 - Large Files Write To USB Disk Test (10 Files, 1 GB of Data)
  • Test 6 - Large Files Read From USB Disk Test (10 Files, 1 GB of Data)
  • Test 7 - Disk Space Analysis Test (20,000 Files, 4 GB of Data)
  • Test 8 - Duplicate Files Search Test (20,000 Files, 4 GB of Data)
  • Test 9 - File Delete Operations Test (20,000 Files, 4 GB of Data)

Benchmark results from all USB3 flash disks using three different file systems were normalized and compared relative to the performanceof the FAT32 file system, which is by default used on all USB3 flash disks.

According to the average benchmark results, which shows a normalized average performance for all types of benchmarks for each file systemrelative to the FAT32 file system performance, the NTFS file system delivers up to 19% of performance improvements and the exFAT filesystem delivers up to 7% of performance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system.

For users required to write a large number of small files to a USB3 flash disk, the NTFS file system can deliver up to 40% of performanceimprovements and the exFAT file system up to 25% of performance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system.

For users required to read a large number of small files from a USB3 flash disk, the NTFS file system can deliver up to 10% of performanceimprovements and the exFAT file system up to 2% of performance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system.

For users required to write medium-sized files to a USB3 flash disk, the situation changes and the exFAT file system takes the lead withup to 4% of performance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system while the NTFS file system drops 1% below.

When reading medium-sized files from a USB3 flash disk, the exFAT file system delivers up to 9% of performance improvements and the NTFSfile system delivers up to 5% of performance improvements over the FAT32 file system.

When writing a small number of large files to a USB3 disk, the mature FAT32 file system outperforms the exFAT file system by 2% and the NTFSfile system by 11% making it clear that the NTFS and exFAT file systems are more optimized for large numbers of small files while the simplerFAT32 file system takes the lead when working with a small number of large files.

When reading a small number of large files from a USB3 disk, all three file system performed almost identically with a small 2% performanceimprovement for the exFAT file system and an even smaller 1% performance improvement for the NTFS file system.

For disk space analysis and file classification operations, which mostly require to read directory structures from the USB3 disk, the simplerFAT32 file system takes the lead with up to 10% performance improvements over the exFAT and NTFS file systems.

For duplicate files search operations, which require a large number of random read operations, the NTFS file system delivers up to 40% ofperformance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system, while the exFAT file system drops 2% below.

For file delete operations, the NTFS file system delivers up to 68% of performance improvements and the exFAT file system delivers upto 24% of performance improvements over the normally used FAT32 file system.

Ms Dos Fat Vs Fat32
File System Performance Monitoring

In addition to the explained performance tests, we have monitored the test computer using the SysGauge system monitoring utility,which is capable of monitoring the disk transfer rate, file system performance and operating system resource usage and generate various types of graphical performance monitoring reportsshowing what exactly happened inside of the computer during the performed performance tests.

For each tested file system, we have copied exactly the same set of files and during each file copy operation monitored the following operating system performance counters: Torment tides of numenera focus.

  • File System Control IOPS - this counter shows how much I/O operations where nether read or write operations, which means that these operations are actually the file system overhead required for the file system itself to operate properly and a file system with less overhead is obviously better.
  • Total Number of System Calls - this counter shows now many system calls were performed by the operating system in order to complete the file copy operation. Each system call requires CPU and system resources and therefore a file system capable of completing the file copy operation using less system resources is better.
  • Total Number of CPU Context Switches - this counter shows now many CPU context switches were performed by the operating system in order to complete the file copy operation. Each context switch requires CPU and system resources and therefore a file system capable of completing the file copy operation using less system resources is better.

For example, as it is shown on the following SysGauge performance monitoring report, in order to complete the file copy operation,the NTFS file system performed 86,243 file system control operations, the exFAT file system performed 87,101 file system control operations and the FAT32 file system performed 109,577 filesystem control operations. Clearly, the FAT32 file system has a significantly higher file system overhead compared to the NTFS and exFAT file systems.

According to the system calls monitoring chart, during the file copy operation, the operating system performed 809,100 system calls when copying data to the NTFS file system,967,800 system calls in order to copy the same set of files to the exFAT file system and 1,144,200 system calls when copying the same set of files to the FAT32 file system.Once again, the NTFS file system manages to complete the file copy operation using less system resources, the exFAT file system comes in the second place and the FAT32trailing the list with the most system overhead.

Finally, according to the CPU context switches chart, when copying the set of files to the NTFS file system, the operating system performed 908,300 context switches.On the other hand, the exFAT file system required 1,362,300 CPU context switches to copy the same set of files and the FAT32 file system required 1,547,900 contextswitched to perform the same file copy operation.

The NTFS file system consistently shows better efficiency and lower CPU and system resource usage when compared to the exFAT file system and the FAT32 file system,which means file copy operations are completed faster and more CPU and system resources are remaining for user applications and other operating system tasks.

  • FAT32 File System - if the user needs to work with a relatively small number of medium-sized or large files, the FAT32 file system is good enough to be used with modern USB3 flash disks.
  • exFAT File System - if the user needs to work with thousands of files stored on a USB3 disk and perform different types of operations, it is recommended to reformat the USB flash disk using the exFAT file system.
  • NTFS File System - if the user needs to work with tens of thousands of files stored on a USB3 flash disk and perform many different types of operations, it is highly recommended to reformat the USB flash disk using the NTFS file system.
How To Reformat a USB Flash Disk

In order to reformat a USB flash disk in Windows 7, open the Windows Explorer application, select the 'Computer' item in the left-side view,select the required USB flash disk in the right side view, click the right mouse button and select the 'Format' menu item.

On the 'Format Disk' dialog, select an appropriate file system to format the USB flash disk with, enter a disk label, and press the 'Start' button.

Ms-dos Fat Vs Fat32 Format

WARNING: The disk format operation will permanently erase all files stored on the USB flash disk. Before performing a disk format operation,backup all files from the USB flash disk to a different disk in your computer or an external storage device.

Ms Dos Vs Exfat

* This performance review has been prepared for information purposes only and we strongly advise you to make your own performance evaluations using your specific hardware components and datasets.

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